Thursday, October 21, 2010

Baby McDaniel's 1st photo shoot!

Well, I went back to the doctor this week. We FINALLY got our big sonogram! (which is a very awkward thing at this early stage in the pregnancy)  I was told by friend to eat a candy bar before I get the sonogram done to help to baby be active during the sonogram. Instead I ate starbursts. (which I already live on) That baby was moving all over the place. Kicking, flipping, flopping... it was so incredibly cute! Then we got to hear the heart beat. Myth is if the heart beat is over 180 then it's a girl. Ours was 188. Again I'm still convinced it's a girl. Nothing has been normal in the pregnancy so far... so that's why i think it's a girl. "she" wants it to be "her" way! That's my theory.  And the fact that Brady and I can't agree on ANY boy names at all.

Ok, ok, ok... I'll post the pictures now!  By the way, baby's size was about a week behind what "she" should be. Midwife is not alarmed because the heart beat and movement is strong.

This 1st one you can see "her" leg is up and "her" foot is near "her" mouth. Look at that cute little nose!

These last two you can see the spine and teeth that just began to form.


  1. Hmmmm..we'll have to see! I think mine is a boy and the heartbeat was 152! Great pictures btw!

  2. These are great! I love sonograms - they make it all so real :)

  3. I think you are having a girl and I think Jackie is having a boy. But, I thought that before either one of you said.
