Friday, April 29, 2011

38 weeks Pregnant

I can't believe Kenzie is almost here.  Time seems to have flown by this year.  Though lately, each day seems to drag on and on and on.  Yesterday was my last day at work.  It was bittersweet knowing it'll hopefully be years before I return to the classroom.  I am very blessed to be able to stay at home with my kids.

As for updates, Kenzie has not dropped nor does she like to stay in one place.  During the day she likes to be "sunnyside up" or face towards my belly button, and at night she turns her back to my belly button.  The midwifes have not "checked" me yet.  Once we have more signs that the time is near, they will check.  Until then, I will continue to waddle my way through life.  Brady came home last week and found me in the rocking chair in Kenzie's room.  He asked what I was doing and all I said was "waiting".  He thought for a moment and asked what I was waiting for, and my replay was "waiting for my daughter to come home."  All he could do was laugh.  I know it's pathetic, but I'm so ready to hold her.  To see whos nose she's going to have, what color eyes she'll have, if she has hair that I can put bows in or if I'll have to resort to headbands instead.  And of course if she'll have gorilla arms like her father does! :-)  (Love you, Brady)

Anyways, here are the long awaited photos of the belly.  Two weeks left until D-day.  Keep praying I don't go over my due date.  The midwives won't induce until 2 weeks after the due date.

37 weeks and 5 days

38 weeks

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe she's almost here! You will be holding her before you know it!
