Tuesday, May 17, 2011

283 days

283 days of being pregnant.  I'm convinced that I'll be pregnant forever.  Apparently my daughter doesn't want to meet me as much as I want to meet her.  No I haven't had ANY contractions, and no I don't sleep much at night. Yes I've been trying to do things to naturally induce.  Yes my legs are going to be extremely toned by the end of this bc of the amount of miles I've walked and lunges I've done.  No I don't want to hear about your child birth story today. Yes I'd love for you to help get my mind off of waiting.

Things not to say to a pregnant woman at 36 weeks or more...(this is not meant to make anyone feel horrible, I promise... just a little preggo humor/venting)

"Wow you look like your about to pop" (Grrr....)
"She's going to come out any day now" (I've been hearing it for 3 weeks now, still not here.)
"Are you ready?" (no, I'm just holding my legs together cause I don't want to meet her yet)
"How do you feel?" (do you really want to know, or are you being polite?")
"Are you sleeping much?" (no, not really at all)
"You should try______ to induce. It works every time!" ( maybe, maybe not.  You don't think I haven't been googling 'natural ways to induce' during my free time?!?!)
"You're waddle is so cute" (no comment)
"She's going to come tomorrow, I just know it!" (epic FAIL!!!! still no baby)
"Well, you look great" (but I don't feel like it)
"Maybe you got your dates wrong" (no but thanks anyways)
"Your shirt's too small" (thanks for noticing)
"Now when is your due date?"  (3 days ago... thanks for reminding me)
"You'll forget all about this part later." (I understand that, but I can't forget it right now)
"I only gained (insert rediculous number here) pounds when I was pregnant"
"How's your cervix?" (Look stranger- I don't know you and I don't want to get that personal with you)
"Mine kid came 3 weeks early" (good for you!)
"She's still not here?" or "You still haven't had that baby yet?" (does it look like I'm still pregnant?)
"when are you going to induce?" (when it's medically necessary)
"You're going to NEED an epidural. You're crazy for turning it down. (thanks a lot for being so supportive!)

And last but not least-
"I've determined you're going to carry her as long as an elephant does.  Did you know their gestational period is 2 years?!?"  (Sir, I know we're at church, but I'm about to punch you if you don't walk away right now!)*** yes this really happened on Sunday.


  1. Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Loved reading all of your responses to each comment. People can be so dumb with the things they say sometimes!

  2. My dear Sweet Girl.....I've been where you are, walked in your shoes two times, and except for you gestating as long as an elephant, I've heard every comment you wrote about. People really don't mean it in a bad way they really don't. It's gonna be okay, she will be here soon.
    I felt like every day after my due date was like a year, it was horrible and I thought your dad was just gonna take up residence inside me and never come out, but he finally did after three trips to the hospital.
    I went home from the hospital after the second time bawling my eyes out, saying "I'M NEVER HAVING THIS BABY, IT'S JUST GONNA STAY IN!"
    I was miserable, and hated when people made comments like the ones you've mentioned, but they really didn't mean anything bad, except ,like I said , the elephant remark Jerk!
    There's really nothing anyone can say at this point that will make you feel any better, but just remember: "This too shall pass".
    I love you baby girl.....hang in there!
