Monday, September 13, 2010

Babysitting Blues

Well, I had my day all planned out, and it was perfectly timed!!

Pick up Asher
go to sprint
go grocery shopping
come home and put away food
make lunch for brady
take it to the jobsite
come home
make lunch for Asher
put Asher down for a nap
while asher is sleeping- clean, call insurance company and find out about opening a HSA, eat lunch, do laundry
When Asher wakes up, go to the library
return a book to an old co-worker
take Asher back to his mom.

Whew... well that would have been my day. When I picked up the little guy, his diaper had soaked through his clothes, and mom didn't have time to give him breakfast. We had to go home to feed him and that's when I realized it was pee on the clothes and not juice. He is now wearing my nieces tshirt. (he's not even 2 years old and my niece is 7 years old) The tshirt is now a dress. I can't possibly bring him out in public with a dress on. He's not a fan of it, but he's so stinkin cute!! So, while his clothes are in the laundry, I'm trying to do the rest of the chores... hopefully I get everything done by the time I drop him off this afternoon. We shall see.

On a side note, last night Brady tried to convince me he should wait a few months before he changes are child's diapers. He says he'll hurt the baby. Considering where the baby comes out of, I don't think you'll hurt him/her.  We went to Babies-R-Us last night. It's amazing how much the markup is on their stuff! Resale shops, here I come! But those size 1 diapers are just so stink cute!! I can't believe I'll be putting those on my little bundle of joy in a few months!!!

ok well, Asher has a stinky diaper... time to go!

1 comment:

  1. i'm impressed at your adventurous plans! sorry they did not turn out like you had hoped. oh, and Craigslist is also a great place for baby stuff!
